Friday, March 24, 2017


Measure of Skewness– describe the degree of departure of the scores from symmetry.

Skewness can be classified according to the skewness coefficient.
Ø  If the SK < 0, it is called POSITIVELY SKEWED distribution.
Ø  If the SK > 0, it is NEGATIVELY SKEWED distribution.
Ø  If the SK = 0, the scores are NORMALLY distributed.
POSITIVELY SKEWED or the skewed to the right is the distribution where the thin end tail of the graph goes to the right part of the curve.

NEGATIVELY SKEWED or skewed to the left is a distribution where the thin end tail of the graph goes to the left part of the curve.

NORMAL DISTRIBUTION – is a special kind of symmetric distribution and it represents some properties in mathematics. It is very important when comparing between scores and making statistical decisions.
Properties of Normal distribution:
1.   The curve has a single peak, meaning the distribution is unimodal.
2.   It is a bell-shape curve.
3.   It is symmetrical to the mean.
4.   The end tail of the curve can be extended indefinitely in both sides and the asymptotic to the horizontal line.
5.   The shaped of the curve will depend on the value of the mean and standard deviation.
6.   The total area under the curve is 1.0. Hence, the area of the curve in each side of the mean is 0.5.
7.   The probability between two given points in the curve is equal to the area between the two points.

4 types of Standard Scores:
1.   Z-scores – is used to convert a row score to standard score to determine how far a raw score lies from the mean in standard deviation units.

          The score of Ritz Glenn in Business Calculus is one unit standard deviation below the mean. His score, in Production Management is two units standard deviation above the mean. Therefore, we can conclude that Ritz Glenn performed better in Production Management than Business Calculus
 2.   T-scores – another type of standard score where the mean is 50 and the standard deviation is 10.

          Z-score 0f -1 is equivalent to a T-score of 40, and z-score of +2 is equivalent to a T-score of 70.  The negative value is eliminated in the T-score equivalent. Therefore, Ritz Glenn performed better in Production Management than in the Business Calculus due to higher value of T-score which is equal to 70.
3.   Standard nine (STANINE) – is a nine-point grading scale ranging from 1-9, 1 being the lowest and 9 the highest. Stanine grading is easier to understand than the other standard model.

4.   Percentile Ranks – indicates the percentages of scores that lies below a given scores. If the scores are normally distributed, percentile rank can be inferred from the standard score.
Steps in Solving Percentile Ranks:
      1.   Arrange the test scores from highest to lowest.
      2.   Make a frequency distribution of each score and the number of students obtaining each score.
      3.   Find the cumulative frequency by adding the frequency in each score from the bottom upward.
      4.   Find the percentile rank in each score using the formula and the result as indicated in column 4.


           Measure of skewness tells you the amount and direction of skew (departure from horizontal symmetry) relative to a standard bell curve. 
          A positively skewed distribution gives information on who are the students who took examination did poor. It will determine the students lacking during examination. If the distribution are positively skewed, there may be a problem on the students on studying or how they interpret the lessons being taught by the teachers. It won't give you the reasons why the students perform bad, but it will give hints that there may be a problems behind those scores. The must address those unknown problems to get them back to the lessons or to give remedy to those problems.
          A negatively skewed distribution will determine the students who perform well in the examination given. The reasons why the students performing well cannot be drawn from this, but it will give clues there might be a reasons behind those. The test being administered might be very easy or maybe the students are just a real smart. to unlock this, a deep investigation must be apply.
            As a future teacher, in order to compare the score's result , he/ she must look for ways in comparing it. Measuring the skewness of the given scores is really helpful.

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