Friday, January 27, 2017



Statistics - is a branch of science which deals with the collection, presentation, analysis and interpretation o quantitative data.

Branches of Statistics
1)    Descriptive Statistics - is a method concerned with the collecting, describing, and analyzing a set of data without drawing conclusion.
2)    Inferential Statistics - is a branch of statistics concerned with the analysis of a subset data leading to predictions or inferences about the entire set of data.
3)    Frequency Distribution - is a tabular arrangement of data into appropriate categories showing a manner of observation in each category or group.

Parts of the Frequency Table:
1)    Class limit - is the group or categories defined by the lower and upper limits
2)    Class size - the width of each class intervals
3)    Class boundaries - the numbers used to separate each category in a frequency distribution but without gaps created by the class limits.
4)    Class Marks - the midpoint of the lower and upper class limits. 

Measure of Central Tendency 
Three commonly used Measures of Central Tendency:

1. Mean - the most commonly used measure of the center of data.
Mean for grouped data:
§  Grouped Data - are the data of scores that are arranged in frequency distribution.
§  Frequency Distribution - is the arrangement of scores according to categories of classes including the frequency.
§  Frequency - is the number of observation falling in a category.
2. Median - second type of measure of central tendency. It divides the scores in the distribution of two equal parts.
3. Mode - third measure of central tendency.
Four Classification of Mode:
1)    Unimodal - consist of only one mode.
2)    Bimodal - consists of two modes.
3)    Trimodal - has three modes.
4)    Multimodal - consists of more than two modes,
Quantiles - is a score distribution where the scores are divided into different equal parts.

Three Kinds of Quantiles:
§  Quartiles - divides the scores in the distribution into four.
§  Decile - divides the score into 10 equal parts.

§  Percentile - divides the score into hundred equal parts.


Statistics provides tools for describing variability in data and for making informed decisions that take it into account.
Statistics can be helpful in any number of situations as they make it possible to analyze sets of data and come to informed conclusions about that data. 

Statistics enables teachers to monitor student's progress throughout the school year. By giving students small tests, as well as the big end of year exams, teachers are able to keep track of students and see if they are coping well. It will inform the teacher if the strategy used affects student’s learning or not.

    With the help of the statistics, as a future teacher, it will be easy to know what particular subject doing well among the students and who are the students performs well and not. As soon as the data has been analyzed and done, it will be easy to identify what area should be given more focus to make improvements and what strategies to be implemented.

Assessment in the Affective Domain


Affective Domain - describes that learning objectives that emphasize a feeling or tone, emotion or a degree of acceptance or rejection.

Terms used
Being aware of or attending to something in the environment.
Differentiate, listen, attend, develop, recognize,accept
Showing some new behaviors as well as experience
Volunteer, complete, comply. Cooperate, discuss, examine, obey, respond, follow
Showing some definite involvement or commitment
Accept, support, defend, devote, pursue, seek, debate
Integrating a new value into one's general set of values
Codify, discriminate, display, order, organize, systematize, weight, discuss, theorize,formulate, balance, examine
Characterization by value 
Acting consistently with the new value.
Internalize, verify, resolve, to resist, to manage, to revise, to require
Affective Learning Competencies - often stated in the form of instructional objectives.
Instructional Objectives - specific, measurable, short-term, observable student behaviors.

Objectives - the foundation upon which you can build lessons and assessments that you can prove meet your overall course or lesson goals.
                    -tools used to make sure goals are attained.


Attitudes - a mental predisposition to act that is expressed by evaluating a particular entity with some degree of disfavor.
                - attached to mental categories.
                -  influence the way a person acts and think in a sopcial communities we                        belong.

Four Components of Attitude:

1. Cognitions - beliefs, theories, expectations, cause-and-effect beliefs, perception related to the focal point. Statement of beliefs and expectations which vary from one individual to the next.
2.     Affect - refers to feelings with respect to the focal point objects: fear, liking, anger.
3.  Behavioral Intentions - our goals, aspirations, and our expected responses to the attitude object.
4.     Evaluation - central component of attitude.  

Motivation - a reason or set of reasons for engaging in a particular behavior. The reasons includes basic needs, objects, goal, state of being, ideal that is desirable.

Theories of Motivation:

  • Abraham Maslow's Heirarchy of Human Needs Theory- is the most widely discussed theory of motivation.

              - Human needs influence behavior

  • Frederick Herzberg's theory: the two factor theory, the Motivation-hygiene Theory which concludes that certain factors in the workplace result in job satisfaction, while others do not. 
          Motivators- Challenging work, recognition, responsibility which give positive                                      satisfaction
           Hygiene factor- status, job security, salary and fringe benefits

Clayton Aldefer expanded Maslow's hierarchy of needs. He formulated the ERG Theory (existence, relatedness and growth).

Two Kinds of Motivation:
1. Intrinsic Motivation - brings pleasure or make people feel what they are learning is morally significant.
2. Extrinsic Motivation - which comes when a student compelled to do something because of factors external to him.

Self-efficacy - is an impression that one is capable of performing in a certain manner or attaining certain goals.
Self-efficacy vs. Self-esteem
                     Efficacy - relates to a person's perception of their ability to reach a goal.
                     Esteem - relates to a person's self-worth.

Development of Assessment Tools/Standard Assessment Tools

1)    Self-report - most commonly used, essentially requires an individual to provide an account of his attitude or feelings toward a concept or idea or people.
2)    Rating Skills - refers to a set of categories designed to a elicit information about a quantitative attribute in a social science.
3)    Semantic Differential (SD) Scales - tries to assess an individuals reaction to a specific words, ideas or concepts in terms of ratings on bipolar scales defined with constructing adjectives at each other.
4)    Thurstone Scale - Thurstone is considered as the father of attitude measurement and addressed the issue of how favorable an individual is with regards to a given issue.
5)    Lickert Scale - Lickert developed the method of summated ratings for Lickert Scale which is widely used. This requires an individual to tick in a box to report whether they "strongly agree", "agree" or "disagree".
6)    Checklists - are the most common and perhaps the easiest instruments in the affective domain.


Affective domain identify the understanding and addressing how people learn. It emphasizes feeling tone, emotion, or the degree of acceptance or rejection. This is how education takes place in the heart of the learners. It supplies feelings of satisfaction of the learners towards the lessons he/ she is learning. The more the students internalize the lesson, the more the lessons becomes valuable.

Not all the students inside a school are learning. Some are just attending because they don’t have the choice. This area is important for a teacher so that they can easily find out if the lessons are being internalize or not.

As a future educator, it is a challenge for me to make my lessons meaningful and valuable to students. This Affective domain is really useful to know how to motivate students to value their learnings.



Informal Assessment - a procedure for obtaining information that can be used to make judgments’ about children's learning behavior and characteristics or programs using means other than standardized instruments.

1)    Test and Quizzes - this is the typical way students are evaluated for their acquisition of knowledge.
2)    Grading - this is how teacher normally assign value to a student work.
3)    Portfolios - an assessment tool that is a great help for students as well as their parents and teacher to see their progress over time.
4)    Written Samples - this entails any type of written sample that students create to show their comprehension of materials.
5)    Project base Assessment - type of assignment that is usually quite extensive and allow students to show his or her comprehension in various ways.
§  Homework - any written works that students do alone whether in school or in home.
§  Games - this can provide students with challenging method for increasing their skills in various areas such as math, spelling, etc.
§  Brainstorming - this technique can be used successfully with all ages of children to determine what they may already know about a particular topic.
§  Checklist - specify the students behaviors or products expected during progression through the curriculum.
§  Story Retelling - this technique can be used in either oral or written formats.
§  Anecdotal Record - this method can be used by teachers to record behaviors and student progress.
§  Logs and Journals - individual method of writing.
§  Writing Samples - students can write anything on specific topics, their products can be scored by using one of the technique.
§  Questionnaire - it is a self-report assessment device on which students can provide information about areas of interest to the teacher.


Informal assessment involves observing the learners as they learn and evaluating them from the data gathered. It is sometimes referred to as continuous assessment as it is done over a period of time. It give much more valuable information to make findings on the characteristics of students.

As a future teacher, this informal assessment will be useful for me so I can easily diagnose the strengths and weaknesses of my students. This will do a better job of using a student’s interests to motivate and encourage students. With the Informal assessment, I can easily adapt to meet the needs of the student and his/her specific style of learning.



Intelligence of an individual is measured by the “Intelligence Quotient” or IQ.

People’s IQ’s category:
  • Genius
  • Very superior
  •  Superior
  • Above average
  • Below average
  • Imbecile
  • Idiot
  • Moron

Categorization of Multiple Talents:

  1. Linguistic - have the ability to speak fluently and effectively
  2. Mathematical – good in numbers or can easily solve problems logically
  3. Visual Spatial -  have the ability to sketch, draw and paint.
  4. Task-oriented - workaholic.
  5.  People-oriented - can easily get along with other people
  6. Self-centered - they are sensitive to their own feelings and temper
  7. Music-oriented - fond of listening to music and love to play different instruments
  8. Sports-minded - physically active and fond of playing any sports
  9. Dance-oriented - dance lovers whether modern, ballroom, folk, and etc.
  10. Dramatist - fond of joining play or dramas to portray characters.
  11. Research-oriented - fond of conducting research and like to participate in "Investigatory Projects"
  12. Economists - always apply the "Invest Harvest" principle
  13. Naturalists - lovers of nature
  14. Sociologist - lovers of society.


Intelligence is the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situationsIndividuals differ from one another in their ability to understand, to adapt effectively to the environment, to learn from experience, to engage in various forms of reasoning, to overcome obstacles by taking thought.

In the four corners of the classroom, there are diverse students. They have different style in learning and hidden talents are innate with them. As a future teacher, we must cope with those differences and enrich those potentials they have. We should have a lot of strategies on our pocket to make sure that every individual learn from our lessons and no one left behind. By knowing those multiple talents, it will be easier to know the students well, their performance, ability and where they lack of.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Bachelor of Elementary Education


1.Equip teachers with mastery of content and pedagogical skills, which will enable them to pass very satisfactorily in the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET).

2.Develop desired qualities of an effective teacher who is gender sensitive and environment conscious.

3.Undertake research activities to improve the quality of instruction.

4.Disseminate research results to teachers and other concerned individuals and institutions.

5.Produce relevant and innovative instructional materials for effective teaching.

6.Conduct continuing non-formal education and other relevant extension activities for the improvement of life in the community.



To produce graduates with excellence and dignity in arts, science and technology.


1. Provide strong foundation of basic education across the different learning areas in grade school. 
2. Innovative strategies responsive to the needs of diverse learners through experiential learning. 
3. Provide instructional materials suited to the learners capabilities. 
4. Create a friendly child environment that would faster a sense of self worth and security.  
5. Respond appropriately to the cultural diversely of the pupils for the greater and effective development imbued with the university core values.  




A trailblazer in arts, science and technology in the region.


 The University shall primarily provide advanced instruction and professional training in science and technology, agriculture, fisheries, education and other relevant fields of study. It shall also undertake research and extension services, and provide progressive leadership in its areas of specialization.

Description about myself.

Maisarah P. Kasim
Hi! I am Maisarah Paguital Kasim, a proud Muslim. I am twenty years old and I was born at Blingkong, Lutayan, Sultan Kudarat on January 13, 1996. I am currently living in my born land. I am now a third year student of Sultan Kudarat State University, Lutayan Campus taking up Bachelor in Elementary Education major in General.

My mother is Sarah Kasim, a teacher of Blingkong Central Elementary School and my father is Jordan Kasim, sadly, he was gone four years ago when I was still at Notredame of Marbel University. I have three siblings named; Michael Jordan Kasim, a graduate of four year course as an agriculturist and a current counselor of our barangay, Janjan Kasim, a teacher of Lutayan National Highschool and our youngest, Morsalin Kasim and he's taking Bachelor in Science and Technology at STI.

I like delicious foods such as beefsteak, chicken joy, macaroni, fruit salad, adobong manok, chocolate, junk foods and a lot more and of course drinking my favorite Coke float. I am a person with a positive attitudes towards life. I believe that everything happens, bad or good, has purposes in our lives. I love watching anime alone particularly romance, comedy, action or with supernatural powers. I want a peaceful life where in no conflicts nor war.  I want to enjoy my life without disturbances of people i don't like. I am a friendly person but once I felt that some are worth to be trusted and loved, I treasured them much because I believe that not all people that surrounds us everyday will accept and understand us fully without hesitations. I really love people who still loves me despite of my bad attitudes. I hate people who kept on criticizing people without looking theirselves first and especially those people who disrespect my religion. I respect them so they must respect me too. It is just giving and taking.

I am not too ambitious person. I just want to finish my studies and be payed so I can give my mother a comfortable life without thinking us much. I will buy everything she wants and build a house where in she will feel comfortable. I may not show her that I really love but truthfully, I love her with all of my heart and no one can replace her as my mother. If my father was still alive, I want him also to be happy and payback my debts to him. I want to make them proud about my achievements in life.
I may not show my true feelings to them, but in material things, I can. They are my precious and I want them to stay beside me, forever.