Friday, January 27, 2017



Statistics - is a branch of science which deals with the collection, presentation, analysis and interpretation o quantitative data.

Branches of Statistics
1)    Descriptive Statistics - is a method concerned with the collecting, describing, and analyzing a set of data without drawing conclusion.
2)    Inferential Statistics - is a branch of statistics concerned with the analysis of a subset data leading to predictions or inferences about the entire set of data.
3)    Frequency Distribution - is a tabular arrangement of data into appropriate categories showing a manner of observation in each category or group.

Parts of the Frequency Table:
1)    Class limit - is the group or categories defined by the lower and upper limits
2)    Class size - the width of each class intervals
3)    Class boundaries - the numbers used to separate each category in a frequency distribution but without gaps created by the class limits.
4)    Class Marks - the midpoint of the lower and upper class limits. 

Measure of Central Tendency 
Three commonly used Measures of Central Tendency:

1. Mean - the most commonly used measure of the center of data.
Mean for grouped data:
§  Grouped Data - are the data of scores that are arranged in frequency distribution.
§  Frequency Distribution - is the arrangement of scores according to categories of classes including the frequency.
§  Frequency - is the number of observation falling in a category.
2. Median - second type of measure of central tendency. It divides the scores in the distribution of two equal parts.
3. Mode - third measure of central tendency.
Four Classification of Mode:
1)    Unimodal - consist of only one mode.
2)    Bimodal - consists of two modes.
3)    Trimodal - has three modes.
4)    Multimodal - consists of more than two modes,
Quantiles - is a score distribution where the scores are divided into different equal parts.

Three Kinds of Quantiles:
§  Quartiles - divides the scores in the distribution into four.
§  Decile - divides the score into 10 equal parts.

§  Percentile - divides the score into hundred equal parts.


Statistics provides tools for describing variability in data and for making informed decisions that take it into account.
Statistics can be helpful in any number of situations as they make it possible to analyze sets of data and come to informed conclusions about that data. 

Statistics enables teachers to monitor student's progress throughout the school year. By giving students small tests, as well as the big end of year exams, teachers are able to keep track of students and see if they are coping well. It will inform the teacher if the strategy used affects student’s learning or not.

    With the help of the statistics, as a future teacher, it will be easy to know what particular subject doing well among the students and who are the students performs well and not. As soon as the data has been analyzed and done, it will be easy to identify what area should be given more focus to make improvements and what strategies to be implemented.

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